Terms Of Use

1. General

1.1 Time2Hack LLP, sczur3k referred to as the "developer", publishes the Public an offer for the implementation of the Services posted on the official website of the Developer https://time2hack.net
1.2 Based on the foregoing, carefully read the text of the public offer, and, if you not agree with any clause of the offer, you are invited to refuse to use Services, provided by the Seller.
1.3 In this offer, unless the context requires otherwise, the following the terms have the following meanings:
"Offer" - a public offer of the Seller addressed to any individual , conclude an agreement with him on the existing conditions contained in The Agreement, including all its annexes.
"Buyer" - an individual who has entered into an Agreement with the Seller on the terms, contained in the Agreement.
"Acceptance" - full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of the Agreement.
"Service" - a list of assortment names presented on the official website.
"Order" - individual items from the assortment list of Services specified By the buyer when placing an application on the website.

2. Subject of the agreement

2.1 The Seller sells the Services in accordance with the current price list published on the Seller's website in an interactive form, and the Buyer makes payment and accepts the Service in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
2.2 This Agreement and its annexes are official documents of the Seller and an integral part of the offer.

3. Checkout

3.1 The Service is ordered by the Buyer through the website "https://time2hack.net"
3.2 When registering on the Seller's website, the Buyer undertakes to provide the following registrationinformation about yourself: nickname, e-mail address.
3.3 Payment by the Buyer for the Order made independently on the website means Buyer's consent to the terms of this Agreement. The day of payment for the Order is the date conclusion of an Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer.
3.4 All information materials presented on the site "https://time2hack.net" are for reference only and cannot fully convey reliable information about certain properties and characteristics of the Service. If the Buyer has questions regarding the Service, before placing an Order, he must apply for consultation with the Seller.

4. Terms of Order Execution

4.1 The term for the execution of the Order is 1 working day. The deadline for the execution of the Order in exceptional cases can be agreed with The Buyer individually, depending on the type of Services provided. When the inability to provide the Service by the Seller, including for reasons beyond the control of the latter, the Seller has the right to cancel the specified Service from the Buyer's Order. Salesman undertakes to notify the Buyer about the change in his Order via Email.
4.2 The order is considered completed at the time of acceptance of the service by the Buyer.
4.3 If the Buyer provides inaccurate information about his contact details The seller is not responsible for the improper execution of the Order.
4.4 In case of improper execution of the Order due to the fault of the Seller, the repeated implementation of the Order carried out free of charge.

5. Order Payment

5.1 Payment for the executed Order is carried out by transferring funds from the Buyer using electronic means of payment to the Seller's account. Confirmation of payment of the completed Order is a receipt.
5.2 The prices for the Services indicated on the website "https://time2hack.net" may be changed by the 5.3 Seller unilaterally without notifying the Buyer.
5.3 Funds are accepted in one way: non-cash payment

6. Return Order

6.1 The Buyer has the right to refuse the ordered Service at any time before the execution Order.
6.2 If the Service is provided of inadequate quality, the Buyer undertakes to contact To the seller as soon as possible.
6.3 Paid By the Buyer, the amount for the Service of inadequate quality is subject to return to the Buyer in within 10 calendar days from the date of the relevant request. Return funds are transferred to the Buyer's electronic account within 5 working days.
6.4 For money-back for the Service of proper quality (see Appendix 1), must to be the following conditions are met:
there is no successful launch of the software, which is recorded on the Internet server Seller when opening the menu of the program running in the game.
there is no refusal of the Buyer to help the Seller if it is impossible to launch software on the Buyer's computer caused by a third party software, or other problem that can be fixed Seller by providing remedial instructions for Buyer
In other cases, a refund for a service of proper quality is not possible.
6.5 To return money for a service of inadequate quality (see Appendix 1), an invoice or an act on the return of funds is drawn up, which indicates:
the full brand name of the Seller;
surname, name and patronymic;
Service name;
the date of the Service;
amount to be returned;
signatures of the Seller and the Buyer;
6.6 A refund is possible in the absence of the fact of the beginning of the provision of the service.
6.7 The Buyer has the right to present a claim to the Seller for the return of the cost of the Service no later than 7 (seven) days from the date of acceptance of the Order.
6.8 To return funds to a bank card, the Customer must fill in "Application for the return of funds", which is sent at the request of the Company to Customer's email address, and send it to email admin@time2hack.net. Refunds will be issued at the bank account of the Customer from which the payment for the Service was made, within 5 (five) working days from of the day of receipt of the "Statement for the return of funds" by the Company.
6.9 The term for consideration of the Application and the return of funds to the Customer starts from the moment the Company receives the Application and is calculated in working days, excluding holidays / weekends. If the application was received by the Company after 15:00 on a business day, or on a holiday / weekend, the moment the Company receives the Application is the following working day.

7. Rights, duties and responsibilities

7.1 The Seller is not responsible for the improper use of the Services by the Buyer, ordered on the website or through the Operator.
7.2 This site and all the information and materials contained on it are presented to you by principle as is, without warranty of any kind.
7.3 We (including our partners) are not responsible for direct, indirect, incidental or other type of damage (including, but not limited to, any kind of bans and blocking) due to use or inability to use content, materials or functionality of this site.
7.4 The seller has the right to transfer his rights and obligations for the execution of Orders to third persons.
7.5 The Buyer has the right to send all claims for improper execution of the order to the address email specified on the website https://time2hack.net/contacts, under Contacts. All information received is processed within 10 (ten) business days
7.6 The Buyer has no right to transfer, sell or exchange access to the Service provided by By the seller

Last updated on June 07, 2024 year.


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